2012 Fee Schedule

Parenting Coordinator

Hourly Rate 


  Relationship Coach

Hourly Rate 


 Child Specialist

Hourly Rate


$125.00   $125.00   $125.00  

Parenting Coordination work

Fees are shared by the parties equally unless otherwise agreed. Charges apply to: time spent reviewing material; communicating with parties and counsel by phone, letter or e-mail; preparation; drafting documents and responding to specific client or counsel requests.

A retainer based on 20 hours of service at the above stated rate is required prior to commencing services. If less time is taken than covered by the retainer, a refund will be issued. If more time is required than covered by the retainer, the PC may ask for additional fund to be provided before continuing services.


Copies and Faxes:.25 per page

Travel time/mileage: negotiable

Courier, printing, long distance actual cost


Contact Information

Telephone: (204) 479-8296  FAX: (204) 895-2280
Office address: 497 Corydon Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3L 0N9